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My very distinguished GSM GOA, greetings! Please take a good look at these pictures. These are not just mere pictures but pictures that tells a story, pictures with history behind. The forerunner and the main event and man that brought GSM+ GOAKPABIO to lime light of where he is today and the whole world came to know him is the man called Sir Ibanga Akpabio. Can my distinguish say he has been fair not to talk of fair enough to this man in every word and definition of “FAIR?”

You will see the likes of Chief Godwin Afangideh, who left his father’s direction to stay in PDP and followed GSM+GOA. What about the Rt. Hon. Nse Ntuen? What about Hon. Don Etim? What about Rt Hon. Emman Ekon? What about Hon. Idongesit Ituen? Rt. Hon Victor Antai? What about Wole Arisekola?Should I also mention the dead on this post to drive my point home? Late Rt Hon. ibanga Etang? Do you even remember his family? What about Bishop Josephine Eggah who has been labeled all manner of things because of her love and support for you, my own very distinguished Brother? Should I mentioned yours truly, who went above and beyond for you taking insults on social media, print media from
All angles to support you as a family Memeber and because you had a weak media team without a clue? Oh my, I didn’t mention your own brother Idorenyin Akpabio in active service, have you kept to any of your words to him?
Have I insulted you in anyway on my post? The answer is no? Have I reached out to you to have a dialogue with you and you keep avoiding me? Have I raised issues with you and you wave it under the carpet? A resounding YES.

I’m not mad at you, neither am I throwing shades at you, please Sir, understand that people sacrificed their integrity, their jobs and family well being to stand by you when everybody you helped and thought u had, left you. Where is the likes of Rt. Hon Tobi of Ika? Why sir? Your core supporters? Who does that?

Today, Sir without mixing my percentages up or over exaggerating numbers, 90% of your core support base that you took to the battle field have been BLACKMAILED, Lied against, Grieved one way or another and pushed to the wall by the fraction that never made it to the battle field and were no where to be found on scene. You have allowed your support base to be destroyed by a 10% fraction of 100% composed of men and women without any experience in the field of politics and have nothing positive to contribute to you next level. The 10% have advised you wrongly and created Enmity for you with people that you should have reciprocated love for love, good turn to another, loyalty to trust etc.

I want to believe that you can do right by Atonement and Restitution. Before your paid media aids start writing fake stories laced with lies and blackmail against people they don’t know and a cause they were never a part off, I know that you have the power, if you decide to Restitute all grievances starting from your last man standing, the man who gave up his position for you to be who you are today, Sir Ibanga Akpabio and flow from there.
You may not like my episode, you may take it out of context and think I’m angry or people with low and backward mental
Attitude will tell you Pat Akpabio has no right to write this, sir I want you to know that I am in right standing to write this, I am a stake holder on this, and I want you to know that if I didn’t have the mind of a child of God I won’t be directing your attention to a wrong done to your own people and family. It is never too late to correct one’ wrong. Sir, when you read my episode, evaluate the truths leave the facts because facts expires.
Where are your core supporters who moved to APC from PDP with you?”

My distinguished , “mkpo Ama akak owo ayad” and sir “mkpo akenam ikot, mfun adat, mfun isidata ke nsek ikot”
Let me not have to write more on this subject matter, it will open the Pandora box further. Put your house in order.

I am Princess Pat Akpabio

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