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Agree or disagree with man marrying more than one wife?

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Historically, marriage is to be consumated by adult male and female with intent to care for one another and procreate offsprings. marriage between one man to more than one woman is polygamy while marriage between a man and a woman is monogamy.

The topic is whether to agree or disagree with man marrying more than one wife. Anyway, issue of marriage is a case of mixed bags. It comes with different colouration ,varies from one community to another based on different diverged religion and beliefs. All the same marriages are for human beings.

Psychologist did some research on why men are practicing polygamy system of marriage, the following reasons were gotten:

Going by history, polygamy were practiced to protect widows and orphans during war times. Thank God war time is over but men still practice it till today.

Purpose of practicing polygamy.

Consequences of the practice:

by Rasheed Awofeso

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