Kosofe Post

Contemporary Issue: Drug Abuse and Addiction

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Drug can be defined as substance that are used to treat ailments by medical professional so that person’s in pain can have relief. Drug abuse is now when substance that are not prescribed are consumed by a person for different reasons.

Drug abuse and addition is an antisocial behaviour. Different types of drugs in Nigeria. ;Cough syrup, Amphetamine (this is not a natural products but comes in form of stimulant’s ,when taken, it travels fast between the brain and the body) glue, cleaning chemical, petrol , cocaine, Heroine, cannabis sativa etc. it was discovered lately that some addict inhale pit-toilet .

Short term effect

High level of energy, increased heart beat rate, increased confidence and talkativeness, reduced/increased appetite, excessive sweating, increased sex drive etc.

Long term effect

Feeling powerful better than peer’s, tendency to be aggressive or hostile, anxiety and problems associated with Psychosis, fall to depression and susceptible to heart, kidney problems which often lead to death.

Holistically, the drug scourge in our society has led to increase in the rate of crimes like rape, robberies cultism, Homicides, roads accidents, psychosis. It has really affected the annual GDP of the country because most of the age bracket that takes to drugs are working class. By study, in 2014 larger percentage of youth in Nigeria now takes to drug addiction. This is a negative indication to the work force and capacity of a nation.

The Panacea to stay, discourage drug abuse, Addiction:

Its important to state here that abuse and addiction to drugs is not appropriate. It lead to both physical and psychological trauma. Its very expensive to manage drug addict, that is why stakeholders should talk to our youth the needs to stay out of drugs.

Recommendation includes:


Common ways to handle difficult situation to obtain succor.

Drug substitution

This is a concept of 12 months of treatment is available and should be encouraged.


A process to rid the drugs from the body. its done in the hospital.

Help and support group

CBOs , NGOs are available to give support to maintain non-use of drugs especially for patients that has no financial resources for residential treatment.

Inclusion of school curriculum

Stay out of drugs advocacy should be learn as part of school curriculum so as to catch them young.

Good parenting

This includes proper upbringing from parents, care givers , guardian and community stakeholders. Religious spiritual leaders are not left out. Now that the case of drugs addiction is in increase, government need to do continuum advocacy through media .

By Rasheed Awofeso , Kosofe Social Mobilization Committee, Chairman

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