Councillors: The Pillars of Local Governance in Nigeria’s 774 LGAs

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By Bilesanmi Abayomi

Nigeria’s 774 Local Government Areas (L) each operate under the administration of a Local Government Council, which includes a Chairman and elected members known as Councillors. The Councillors serve in a legislative capacity, similar to state House of Assembly members and National Assembly representatives, by creating laws that govern their respective local areas.

Councillors represent their wards in the legislative arm of their local government, making critical decisions that shape the strategic direction of the Council. They participate in the development and review of key strategic documents, such as the Council Plan, ensuring that the diverse interests and needs of the local community are addressed. Their responsibilities also include the responsible allocation of resources through the annual budget and facilitating effective communication between the Council and the community.

According to Lawpadi, a Councillor must uphold principles of good governance and act with integrity, considering the varied interests within their community. However, beyond their legislative duties, some Councillors in Lagos State have taken personal initiatives to provide additional support to their communities.

These public-spirited Councillors have gone above and beyond their official duties, offering programs and resources in education, health, sports, and infrastructure. They have also facilitated road rehabilitation projects and provided financial grants amounting to several millions, significantly impacting their communities.

Despite these positive contributions, there is a contrasting perception of Councillors as some are seen by political leaders as merely holding their positions as personal compensations, irrespective of their effectiveness. Keen political observers suggest that if the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), rather than the Lagos State Independent Electoral Commission (LASIEC), were to conduct local elections today, many current Councillors might not retain their positions due to being disconnected from their communities.

The role of a Local Government Councillor is multifaceted and crucial to the functioning of local governance in Nigeria. While some Councillors have demonstrated exceptional commitment to their communities, others face criticism for focusing more on personal gains. Ensuring that Councillors remain connected to and serve the interests of their communities is essential for the continued development and governance at the local level.

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