Senator Abiru Brings Eid Cheer with Food Pack Distribution in Lagos East Senatorial District

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By Bilesanmi Abayomi

As the Eid-il-Adha celebration draws near, residents of Lagos East Senatorial District were given a reason to smile as their Senator, Tokunbo Abiru, distributed food packs to those in need. The event, organized by the lawmaker representing the constituency, was a display of generosity and compassion towards the less privileged in the community.

Addressing newsmen during the distribution event, the media aide to the Senator, Enitan Olukotun, expressed gratitude to the public for their continued support and trust in the Senator’s office. He highlighted the success of previous food distribution programs, which had reached thousands of families in the district, providing much-needed relief during trying times.

“We are committed to serving the people of Lagos East Senatorial District, especially during these challenging times. The Senator’s office has made it a priority to ensure that no one goes hungry in our community. We are thankful for the support of our constituents and will continue to do everything in our power to assist those in need,” said Olukotun.

The food packs distributed included essential items such as rice, beans, and other staples, which will help families celebrate the festive season with a full stomach and a grateful heart. The Senator’s gesture was met with heartfelt thanks and appreciation from the recipients, who expressed their gratitude for the support during a time of economic hardship and uncertainty.

The selection of beneficiaries for the food pack distribution was done through an online application process, ensuring transparency and fairness in the selection process. Residents were required to fill out a form detailing their current economic situation and the challenges they were facing due to the ongoing economic downturn.

The Senator’s office worked closely with local community leaders and organizations to verify the information provided by applicants and to ensure that the most deserving families were identified for assistance.

By using an online application process, the Senator’s office was able to reach a larger number of residents in need and to streamline the selection process in a timely and efficient manner. This approach not only helped to identify those most in need of assistance but also ensured that the distribution was conducted in a fair and inclusive manner, reflecting the Senator’s commitment to serving all constituents in the Lagos East Senatorial District.

As the distribution event came to a close, the Senator through his media aide reaffirmed his commitment to serving the people of Lagos East Senatorial District, promising to continue providing assistance and relief to those in need.

The event was not just a distribution of food packs but a display of solidarity and unity within the community, showing that in times of need, they can rely on their Senator to stand by their side.

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