Ramadan Series (18): The Importance And Benefits Of Sadaqah/Charity In Ramadan!

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By Imam Murtadha Gusau

Tuesday, Ramadan 18, 1446 AH (18/03/2025)

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of all creation. May Allah extol the Messenger in the highest company of Angels and grant him peace; and likewise, his family, his Companions and all those who truly and sincerely follow him until the Day of Resurrection.

Dear brothers and sisters! Know that charitable giving is a cornerstone of Islamic practice, and its importance is amplified during the noble month of Ramadan. This sacred period of fasting, prayer, and reflection is not only a time for personal spiritual growth but also a season of unparalleled generosity. For Muslims, Ramadan charity embodies the principles of compassion, gratitude, and social responsibility, creating a profound ripple effect that benefits individuals, communities, and society as a whole.

Respected brothers and sisters! Muslims believe that good deeds during Ramadan are rewarded manifold, making it an opportune time to give to those in need. This belief is particularly emphasised during Lailatul-Qadr, the Night of Decree, which is described in the Qur’an as better than a thousand months. Acts of charity during this night hold immense spiritual value, inspiring Muslims to seek the blessings of Allah Almighty through generous giving.

Respected servants of Allah! Charity during Ramadan is a means of purifying wealth and the soul. The Qur’an encourages Muslims to detach from materialism, and the acts of giving Zakat (obligatory charity) and Sadaqah (voluntary charity) are instrumental in achieving this. Zakat, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is a mandatory act that ensures wealth is redistributed to support those in need. Meanwhile, Sadaqah reflects voluntary kindness, allowing Muslims to contribute beyond their obligations.

My beloved brothers and sisters! Giving to charity strengthens a Muslim’s spiritual connection to Allah the Most High. It fosters gratitude for personal blessings and reminds believers of their duty to support others. This practice aligns with the Qur’anic ethos of creating a just and equitable society, ensuring that wealth circulates and alleviates suffering.

Charity during Ramadan provides critical support to vulnerable groups such as orphans, widows and impoverished families. Through their donations, Muslims fulfil the Qur’anic directive to care for the less fortunate, ensuring they are not left behind. This generosity not only alleviates immediate hardships but also contributes to social justice and equity.

Ramadan is a time of collective giving, which strengthens the bonds within the Muslim community. Fasting, a central aspect of Ramadan, cultivates empathy by allowing Muslims to experience hunger and deprivation firsthand. This shared experience fosters a deeper understanding of the struggles faced by the less fortunate, inspiring communal acts of kindness and support.

The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) is described as being: “More generous than the blowing wind” during Ramadan. This vivid metaphor underscores the unparalleled extent of his generosity, serving as an enduring example for Muslims worldwide. By emulating the Prophet’s example, Muslims strive to exceed their usual acts of charity during this sacred month, making Ramadan a period of extraordinary giving.

Many charitable organisations use the influx of Ramadan donations to fund sustainable development projects. These initiatives, such as building schools, improving healthcare facilities, and developing infrastructure, address systemic challenges faced by disadvantaged communities. By supporting these efforts, donors contribute to long-term solutions that uplift entire societies.

Sadaqah Jariyah, or continuous charity, allows Muslims to earn rewards even after their lifetime. Contributions toward projects that have lasting benefits—such as wells, schools, or orphanages—ensure that the impact of their generosity endures. This concept resonates deeply with Muslims, inspiring them to make meaningful investments in their communities during Ramadan.

The act of fasting during Ramadan heightens a Muslim’s awareness of other’s hardships, fostering a sense of empathy and compassion. This awareness inspires greater generosity, encouraging believers to share their blessings with those less fortunate. In turn, giving to charity reinforces gratitude for one’s own blessings, nurturing a sense of humility and contentment.

Charity helps Muslims combat materialism, an essential lesson during Ramadan. By prioritising spiritual values over worldly possessions, Muslims cultivate self-discipline and reliance on Allah Almighty. This alignment with Islamic principles fosters a deeper connection to faith, making charitable giving both a personal and spiritual act of devotion.

The act of giving to charity during Ramadan transcends mere generosity; it is a profound expression of faith and humanity. This practice aligns with the core teachings of Islam, transforming the lives of both the giver and the recipient. For the giver, it is an opportunity to purify the soul, deepen spirituality, and cultivate gratitude. For the recipient, it is a source of hope, relief and empowerment.

Your donation will support a family for the whole month – a way to give real and meaningful charity throughout the noble month of Ramadan. Donate generously and help those suffering from hunger this Ramadan.

Respected brothers and sisters! Charity is a special act of goodness in Ramadan that brings Allah’s mercy and blessings. If you want to multiply your rewards, this is a great opportunity. Let’s explore some of the best ways to do it.

Did you know that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was at his most generous during Ramadan? His charity flowed like a powerful wind, reaching and uplifting everyone around him.

Ramadan is the best time to give charity, when rewards are multiplied and every act of Sadaqah brings us closer to Allah’s mercy. Are you ready to boost your reward?

Here I will explore why giving in this blessed month is so rewarding and how you can take part. In the name of Allah, let’s begin!

There are lots of Hadiths about charity in Ramadan that discuss the virtues and rewards of giving Sadaqah in this blessed month. Here, I have listed some of the most important ones:

  1. The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said:

“The shade of the believer on the Day of Resurrection is his charity.” [Musnad of Imam Ahmad]

  1. Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said:

“Save yourself from hellfire even by giving half a date fruit in charity.” [Bukhari]

Since we want to gain the forgiveness of Allah and His protection from hellfire during Ramadan, giving charity is a great option.

  1. The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said:

“Sadaqah (charity) extinguishes sins just as water extinguishes fire.” [At Tirmidhi]

If we want our sins to be forgiven in Ramadan, we should give charity.

The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said:

“Charity does not decrease wealth, no one forgives another but that Allah increases his honour, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah but that Allah raises his status.” [Muslim]

  1. Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) said:

“Giving charity secretly extinguishes the Anger of Allah.” [Al-Mu’jamul Kabir of Imam Tabarani]

Since we want to gain the forgiveness of Allah in Ramadan, we must protect ourselves from His wrath first. To do that, we should give charity during Ramadan.

  1. The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) was asked:

“Which charity is best?” He (Peace be upon him) replied, “Charity of Ramadan.” [At-Tirmidhi]

  1. “Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) was the most generous of all the people, and he used to reach the peak in generosity in the month of Ramadan when Angel Jibril (Gabriel) met him. Jibril (Gabriel) used to meet him every night of Ramadan to teach him the Qur’an. Allah’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) was the most generous person, even more generous than the strong uncontrollable wind (in readiness and haste to do charitable deeds).” [Bukhari]

You can clearly see that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) used to be the most generous during Ramadan and spent the most on charity. Thus, you should give charity during Ramadan because it is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)!

  1. Multiply Your Rewards of Charity to Over 83 Years!

There is a special night in Ramadan named Lailatul Qadr. Any good deed done on this night is better than doing it for over 1000 months which is 83 years. Allah the Most High says in the Qur’an:

“The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months.” [Surah Al-Qadr: 3]

Giving charity on the night of Qadr is better than giving charity for over 83 years. Subhanallah! Don’t let this opportunity slip away from your hands. On the odd nights of the last 10 days of Ramadan, spend as much as you can in charity to gain this amazing reward from Allah.

There are many ways to make donations in Ramadan. Here, I have listed some of the most rewarding sectors where you can donate your hard-earned money during this blessed month:

  1. Zakat

Zakat is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. It is obligatory for every Muslim who is capable to pay. It applies to a person who has wealth over ‘Nisab’ and over a period of one year.

‘Nisab’ is equivalent to 85g of gold or 595g of silver or equivalent wealth. So, if someone meets the conditions of Zakat, then he/she must pay it.

Paying Zakat is not related to Ramadan. Rather one must pay it whenever one year has passed on his/her ‘Nisab’ wealth. However, many Muslims plan to pay Zakat during Ramadan to gain maximum rewards.

If you are planning to pay Zakat in Ramadan or any other time, then you can consult with an Islamic scholar.

  1. Iftar Donation

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said:

“Whoever gives Iftar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that deducting from the fasting person’s reward in the slightest.” [At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah]

Thus, donating Iftar among the poor is a great option for sadaqah in Ramadan. You can arrange it yourself or donate it to any Mosque or Islamic center that arranges ‘open for all’ Iftar. Also giving Iftar to an Islamic school where poor and orphan children study Islam can be another great way to gain rewards from Allah.

  1. Giving Sadaqah to People in Need

Helping needy persons during Ramadan is an effective way to ease their burden. Identify the people who are in desperate need of money and help them during this blessed month. It could be individuals in need of money for treatment, employment, marriage, education, or something else.

In essence, what I’m saying is that you should specify someone and help them to get their problems resolved. The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said:

“A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim……Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfil his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection.” [Bukhari]

  1. Helping Oppressed Muslims Around the World

Millions of Muslims in Nigeria and all over the world today are facing oppression, harassment, bombardment, torture, imprisonment and the problems of insecurity. They are being kicked out of their houses and being forced to live in refugee camps. It is a shame that the majority of the Ummah are doing nothing for them.

We must feel their pain and stand with them. It is a part of our Iman. The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said:

“You see the believers as regards their being merciful among themselves and showing love among themselves and being kind, resembling one body, so that, if any part of the body is not well then the whole body shares the sleeplessness (insomnia) and fever with it.” [Bukhari]

Therefore, one amazing way to do charity during Ramadan is to send our donations to organisations that operate in these war-torn areas to support the Muslims. Also, there are thousands of Muslims in the prisons of the oppressors. It is our obligation to free them. So if you can find a reliable source to help them, please do so.

  1. Help to Spread the Message of Islam

One great way to make Ramadan donations is to give it to organisations who are working tirelessly to spread the word of Islam such as Da’awah organisations, Islamic media, Islamic education programmes, and more.

For example, here At Nagazi-Uvete Islamic Center, we aim to spread the message of Islam through digital platforms. We started our journey in year 2000 and have reached millions of people around the globe through our works, Alhamdulillah.

Moreover, we regularly post articles, videos, and social media posts. We also sponsor Sirah and Islamic knowledge-based competitions among primary, secondary and college students. We have a dedicated team of over 30 members working for the sake of Allah.

And wallahi, we only rely on Allah and the love and support that you show us. So help us with your donations so that we can continue to serve the Ummah and spread the knowledge of Islam in the month of the Qur’an.

You can support us to benefit millions to come closer to Allah and understand Islam better. Your donations will be counted as an act of Sadaqah Jariyah In Shaa Allah.

  1. Zakatul-Fitr/Sadaqatul-Fitr

Allah the Most High made Zakatul-Fitr obligatory for every Muslim at the end of Ramadan. It is a compensation for our sins during Ramadan and a source of joy for the poor. It is reported that:

“The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) obligated Zakatul-Fitr as purification of the fasting person from vain talk and misbehaviour, as food for the poor. Whoever pays it before the Eid prayer is accepted as Zakat. Whoever pays it after the Eid prayer, it is part of voluntary charity.” [Abu Dawud]

Please refer to a knowledgeable Islamic scholar to know the amount and details regarding this matter.

Someone may ask, can I delay paying my Zakat to pay it in Ramadan?

You must pay your Zakat whenever one year has passed on your ‘Nisab’ wealth. It is not permissible to delay Zakat till Ramadan if it became compulsory on you earlier. However, if there is a valid reason for delaying, then there will be no sin.

And many people ask frequently that, when do I need to pay my Zakatul-Fitr?

You can pay your Zakatul-Fitr two days prior to Eid but no later than Eid prayer. Anything before or after that would be considered a general charity and not Zakatul-Fitr.

Lastly, charity in Ramadan is essential to gain Allah’s mercy and salvation from hellfire. We should prepare to donate in Ramadan and show compassion to our less fortunate Muslim brothers and sisters.

By giving sadaqah in Ramadan and helping those in need, we can receive rewards from Allah in this world and the hereafter. May Allah purify our intentions and accept our good deeds, ameen.

Dear brothers and sisters! Why do we give Sadaqah?

For many of us, it’s not just about the act itself — it’s about the deep spiritual connection we seek to build with Allah Almighty.

We give Sadaqah: out of love and worship of Allah, seeking to glorify Him in every action.

We give Sadaqah: to earn the boundless rewards that only Allah can give us.

We give Sadaqah: because we want to make a meaningful impact, changing lives and transforming the world around us.

At our Center, we have designed our new campaigns with these very goals in mind. By supporting our new transformative initiatives, you can achieve all three.

Here’s how:

Glorify Allah by supporting campaigns that elevate His message and reflect the truth and beauty of Islam. We strive to show the true value of Islamic principles in a world that desperately needs them.

Gain immense reward as your Sadaqah empowers critical work. With every donation, you’re contributing to causes that will live on and bear fruit for generations.

Make a lasting difference by actively shaping the future of our Ummah and helping those in need — today and for years to come.

Please if you want to donate FISABILILLAH, for Allah’s sake, here are the account details:

Account number: 1779691620

Account name: Murtala Muhammed

Access Bank.


Account number: 0048647196

Account name: Murtala Muhammed


Jazakumullah Khairan as you kindly assit for Allah’s sake.

Ya Allah, on this day, awaken us with the blessings of its early mornings, Illuminate our heart with the brightness of its rays, let every part of our body follow its effects, by Your light, O the illuminator of the hearts of those who know.

All perfect praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. May the peace, blessings and salutations of Allah be upon our noble Messenger, Muhammad (Peace be upon him), and upon his family, his Companions and his true followers.

Murtadha Muhammad Gusau is the Chief Imam of: Nagazi-Uvete Jumu’ah Mosque; and Late Alhaji Abdur-Rahman Okene Mosque, Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria. He can be reached via: gusauimam@gmail.com; or +2348038289761.

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