Odo Ogun Residents Protest Imminent Demolition Over Court Revalidation

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By Bilesanmi Abayomi

The residents of the Odo Ogun community took to the streets yesterday, protesting against the recent court revalidation order and the looming threat of demolition. Chanting and carrying placards, the protesters directed their ire primarily at the Tripathe landowning families, particularly singling out the Onikoro faction, whom they accused of theft and unscrupulous behavior.

The protest follows the enforcement of a revalidated court order on December 5th, 2023, reported by KosofePost. The order saw the Tripathe families—comprising Onikoro, Oshorun, and Onikosi—accompanied by Sheriffs of Court, taking possession of the contested Odo Ogun land. The officials erected a signpost, further inciting fear and anger among the community members.

Residents voiced their grievances loudly, with many expressing a deep sense of betrayal and injustice. “We have lived here for generations, and now they want to take everything from us without any consideration for our lives and livelihoods,” lamented one of the protest leaders.

The protesters’ frustration was palpable, with accusations against the Onikoro family resonating strongly among the crowd. “They are thieves, plain and simple,” shouted another resident. “How can they do this to us? We demand justice and protection for our homes!”

The Tripathe families have yet to respond to the allegations and the community’s outcry. As tensions remain high, the residents of Odo Ogun are calling on higher authorities to intervene and prevent the demolition, which they believe would devastate their community.

Local officials have been urged to mediate and find a resolution that addresses both the court’s ruling and the residents’ concerns. The situation remains volatile, with the community on edge, fearing what the future holds for their homes and families.

One Reply to “Odo Ogun Residents Protest Imminent Demolition Over Court Revalidation”


    Short and simple just like they have said, if it’s the law of the land that supported Onikoro and others to take the possession of Odo-Ogun then the strength of there protest is frivolous and a cry after spilts Milk. Unless if they can prove to the world 🌎 that the judgement is a fake one….Simple.

    “As we all Know there’s No one above the Law” The Law Of The Land is most superior.
    Let the truth be told, you might be occupying one property ilegally but if the times comes and the Original owners proof beyond reasonable doubt especially in the law court, No two ways the judicial pronouncements speaks Volumes. Verbal talks has no space in the Eyes of the Law . Same in the eyes of sensible Minds.

    Prince Adeoye

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