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Abdur Rahman ibn Yazid reported: Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, said ” The believer may have all kinds of natural dispositions flowing throughout himself, except for treachery, betrayal and dishonesty. Whoever is possessed of any, is surely not a believer.

Betrayal is the act of exposing or delivering someone to an enemy through treachery or disloyalty, or the act of disappointing a person’s trust, hopes or expectations, or the act of revealing information in violation of confidence; or the failure to keep or honour a promise, principle and cherished memory, etc.

Disloyalty applies to any violation of loyalty, whether to a person, a cause, or one’s country, and whether in thought or in deeds.

Cheating is to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want.

Treachery implies being secretly traitorous but seeming friendly and loyal.

Betrayal is the breaking or violation of a presumptive contract, trust, or confidence that produces moral and psychological conflict within a relationship amongst individuals, between organizations or between individuals and organizations.

Cheating, deception, disloyalty and betrayal are despicaple characteristics that are beneath a decent person.

Intentionally distorting the truth in order to mislead others contradicts the values of honesty, which requires an attitude of sincerity, and fairness that leaves no room for betrayal, cheating, lying, trickery, or deceit. There are many texts from the noble Qur’an and the noble Sunnah conveying the meaning that cheating and betrayal, whether the target be Muslims or non- Muslims, is forbidden in the religion of Islam.

Accepting the guidance of Islam leads a person to truthfulness, which means a person completely avoids betrayal, cheating and backstabbing. The Prophet(saw) said: “Whoever bears arms against us is not one of us, and whoever betrays us is not one of us.”

According to another report, the Prophet passed by a pile of food in the market. He put his hand inside it and felt dampness although the surface was dry. He said: “O owner of the food, what is this? The man said, it was damaged by rain, O Messenger of Allah.” He said, ‘Why did you not put the rain-damaged food on top so that people could see it! Whoever cheats us is not one of us.

Betrayal, cheating and deception are alien characters in contrast to the noble character of a true Muslim. There is no room in it, for swindlers, double crossers, tricksters or traitors. Islam views betrayal, disloyalty, cheating and deception as heinous sins, a source of shame to the one guilty of committing them, both in this world and the next. The Prophet(saw) did not merely denounced them by excluding them from the Muslim community in this world, he also announced that on the Day of Judgment every traitor would be raised carrying the flag of his betrayal. A caller will cry out from the vast arena of Judgment, pointing to him, drawing attention to him, saying: ” Every traitor will have a banner on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said: This is the betrayal of so-and-so.

Therefore, a Muslim who has true Islamic sensitivities avoids betrayal, disloyalty, deceit, cheating, treachery and lying, no matter what benefits or profits such activities might bring him, because Islam considers those guilty of such deeds to be hypocrites, and very dangerous to the wellbeing of the society!

Artemidorous, wrote a letter to warn Julius Caeser of the impending danger ahead. Caesar did not take the letter nor listen to him. The letter goes thus:

“O Caeser, beware of Brutus; take heed of Cassius, come not near Casca, have an eye to Cinna, trust not Trebonius; mark well Metellus Cimber; Decius Brutus loves thee not; thou hast wronged Caius Ligarius. There is but one mind in all these men, and it is bent against Caesar. If thou beest not immortal, look about you: Security gives way to conspiracy. The mighty gods defend thee.

In our everyday activities, the characters above, are likened to different peoples in our lives. In the family, school, mosque, church, office and even in political circles. They appeared as friends and well wishers, and in the actual sense, they are traitors and betrayals.

Samson, was betrayed by Delilah, Joseph by his blood brothers and Jesus Christ the Messiah was betrayed by Judas Iscariot. If these great men, could be betrayed…..

And whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will be enough for him.


Ganiyu Oyebanjo.

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