Ustaz Yunus Yekini Warns Against Inciting Rams for Fighting During Sallah Celebrations

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By Bilesanmi Abayomi

Ustaz Yunus Yekini, the revered cleric of Like Minds Estate Jumat Mosque in Ikorodu, delivered a compelling message during the Friday Jumat service, cautioning Muslims against using rams for fighting and sporting activities during Sallah celebrations. He emphasized that such actions were forbidden and against the teachings of Islam.

Ustaz Yunus expressed concern over the increasing trend of using rams for wrestling competitions, which had now evolved into gambling and profit-making ventures during the festive season. He highlighted that these animals were subjected to intense fights, resulting in injuries and blemishes that were completely avoidable.

“It is essential to remember that the rams designated for Sallah are meant for a sacred purpose,” stated Ustaz Yunus. “Allah has made it clear that animals should not be treated cruelly, overworked, or neglected. We must respect their well-being and avoid using them for unnecessary violence or entertainment.”

He stressed that only healthy animals, free from deformities and illnesses, should be selected for sacrifice during the Sallah celebration. Ustaz Yunus reminded the congregation that animals were a creation of Allah, and their purpose was to benefit human beings, not to be exploited or mistreated.

During his sermon, Ustaz Yunus also provided guidelines for the proper handling and slaughter of sacrificial animals. He emphasized that animals should not witness the killing of their kind, nor should they perceive the knife to be used for the sacrifice. The blade of the knife should be sharp and flawless, ensuring a quick and humane slaughter.

The religious scholar explained the significance of the ‘Eid Ahdha’ or Sallah celebration, which commemorates the sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) when he demonstrated his unwavering obedience to Allah’s commandment to sacrifice his son, Ishaq (Isaac). As a testament to Prophet Ibrahim’s faith, Allah replaced his son with a ram for the final sacrifice.

Ustaz Yunus clarified that besides rams, other permissible animals for sacrifice during Sallah include camels, cows, sheep, and goats. He urged Muslims to share their sacrificial animals into three portions, emphasizing the importance of distributing them to neighbors, visitors, and those in need rather than hoarding them at home.

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